Thursday, February 4, 2010

Voracious ATM

Hola amigos!

We landed in Lima at midnight, after about sixteen hours of travel. Both of us were exhausted and running on third and fourth winds, so we decided to scope out a hotel in the area before booking our flights to Iquitos. After finding a handy dandy atm, we extracted some soles, but in the process of stowing the cash we accidentally left the card hanging out in the slot for too long.


After much ado, and an extended period of sleeping to recoup, we have a plan. Looks like we´ll be seeing some of Lima, and scoping out supplies for building the biogas digester.

This city is much larger than Iquitos, and is more likely to have some of the things we need, like tephlon tape and bug off.

I got to practice my paltry spanish with the taxi driver, much to his amusement. He was very helpful, and more than happy to speak slowly and sound things out for us. Yay for practice!

It is warm and sunny here. The hotel we found is in a pretty safe neighborhood with a grocery store and a bank. Excellent!

The Pacific Ocean tosses its monstrous head a short distance from our place of rest, and there are palm trees and flowers dotting the green spaces outside. The smell of exhaust crowds my nostrils as I write this, and through the glass panes of the door the cars are whizzing by, horns blaring occaisonally. Welcome to the city. Bien venidos a Peru!

Won´t be long until we venture into deepest darkest, so stay tuned.

Hasta luego.


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