Saturday, February 13, 2010

Plasic Bags

Hokay, I am here to tell you about shopping for supplies in Iquitos. Let me tell you, it´s nuts! As you followers know, Brigitte and I were on a mission to find plastic bags that would hold the off-gas from the decomposing material. From my last experience of supply shopping in Iquitos, I knew it would be difficult so we had enough forethought to bring our new friend, Christian along with us. So with our choppy Spanish and our wits about us, we embarked.

First we were offered bags that were used to hold large amounts of grain and would obviously not hold any methane in it. As a side note, did you know that there is a whole block of stores in Iquitos that only sell chickens and chicken eggs. I´ve never seen so many eggs in a single place...and boy did it smell! After Christian finally understood plastic bag vs burlap sack, we were getting closer when we went into hardware stores to find big rolls of plastic...yet no sacks. Finally, we came upon a store that solely sold plastic bags. (well, they also had ice cream available which I was tempted to get since it was so hot even at 5 in the evening) Finally! What we were looking for!

The search lasted about two less item to get! Hopefully the rest will not take so long. But since we´ve gotten those sacks, we can now do the educational model. More later about how that progresses.


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